When a consumer hears the word “rebranding”
of a firm or product one may think, what is wrong with their product or
business model that they have to seek rebranding in order to stay relevant?
There is a certain negative connotation to the word rebranding, something has
gone wrong with the company and it is seeking damage control. Apple is a great example
of rebranding in a positive way. They have always maintained their reputation
as a computer manufacturer and distributor. The firm then rebranded itself as a
leader in the portable music market with the “iPod”. Now it has rebranded
itself as the leader in cell phones with the new line of iPhones returning
Apple to its glory days. Apple has rebranded itself many times but consumers don’t
see their changes in a negative way, while when Radio Shack announced their
rebranding as a “modern” tech shop no one believed them and saw right through
their “Hail Mary pass” to stay in business. Unheralded
marketing heroes renovate their brands while they are strong and growing. They
spot changing market dynamics and address them as opportunities before they
have time to develop into threats. Their reward is faster profitable growth
without the negative headlines (Geyer, 2009)1.
candid explanation of why rebranding is necessary even while the company is
healthy should be followed by firms everywhere. The concept of waiting until signs
of trouble appear before making changes to the company’s image is a recipe for
disaster. Let us look into the specialty fragrance company Bath and Body Works. It currently has 1558 stores that are mostly
found in shopping malls. The brand image has not changed much since its
founding in 1990. The company, although healthy could use some rebranding to
keep it going strong:
1. Update
their logo: It The Company’s logo is simple and to the point, I am sure that it
is a strategic decision but even a change in color or background to their logo
would keep the firm looking fresh and modern.
and Body Works does not have a tagline such as McDonald's “I’m lovin’ it” I
would give it one for example “Bringing
Home the Happy” or “The Ultimate Spa:
Your Home”.
technology to the company’s advantage: There are “apps” for just about anything
one could think of, but Bath and Body Works does not have one. It could list
all their products, allow for mobile commerce and offer promotions and sales to
all its subscribers.
Responsibility: Bath and Body Works should lead the way in giving back to those
in need. It can be in the form of hygiene kits, consumers could sponsor or a
donation could be made with every purchase.
There are many ways in which a company can rebrand itself to
maintain relevance in a fast moving and ever changing business world. Building customer relationships
and staying on top of consumer and social trends is the key to a healthy and
prosperous brand.
1. Geyer, F.
(2009, March 24). Four Best-Practices for Renovating Your Brand Before It's Too Late. Retrieved May
22, 2015, from